Emergency Response Plan

KVCC Emergency Response Master Plan Overview

The purpose of this plan is to establish policies, procedures and an organizational structure for responses to emergencies at Kennebec Valley Community College.

This plan identifies strategies and roles assumed and assigned by the Emergency Response Team during the initial response period through the conclusion of the emergency/incident.

The plan shall fall subordinate to State & Federal plans during any declaration of disaster.


The Emergency Response Team (ERT) is the responsible entity during a major emergency/incident.  The ERT follows the principles of the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the incident commander and their appointed designee(s) are responsible for the overall management of the incident, including:

  • Ensuring that emergency responders have been notified
  • Coordinating with the responding emergency services personnel
  • Ensuring appropriate campus-wide communication is initiated
  • Determining the appropriate course of action based upon the specific emergency/incident

Guidelines & Process

KVCC has developed and adopted an incident triage methodology.  In the event of an emergency/incident;

  1. Members of the ERT are notified and convene on a conference call
  2. ERT members make an initial determination of the type of incident
  3. An incident commander and delegated roles are assigned
  4. ERT members determine the initial triage steps based on 4 incident categories
  5. ERT members implement initial triage steps based upon the category identified
  6. ERT members continue to manage the incident to the conclusion


In the event of an emergency/incident, the ERT will begin notification procedures in a prioritized fashion with the obvious priority of individuals on campus including students, faculty, staff and visitors.

All communications from the Emergency Response Team will start with “From ERT”.

KVCC has a mass notification system.  Prior to, or during an emergency/incident, the ERT has the ability to notify the campus community via a variety of appropriate methods including audible alerts and text messaging.

Students, faculty & staff are able to sign up for text messaging alerts via the MyKV Student Information Portal.

The ERT will continue to evaluate upgrades and/or enhancements to the College’s mass notification system.

Evacuation Procedures

Notification to evacuate a building will occur via KVCC’s mass notification system.  This includes the fire alarm, public address system (via campus telephones), hand-held “bull horns” or any other media chosen by the ERT.

  • In the event of a fire, all students, employees & visitors are required to evacuate the building
  • In the event of a non-fire emergency/incident, a decision to evacuate will be made by the ERT, in conjunction with public safety authorities (if available/applicable).  An evacuation of this nature may be to an off campus area of refuge and will be announced with the evacuation order

When an order to evacuate is issued:

  • Do not use elevators
  • Evacuate via the nearest safe stairway or as directed in the evacuation order
  • Evacuate to pre-designated “Areas of Refuge”

Lock Down Procedures

Notification of a lock down will occur via KVCC’s mass notification system.  This includes the public address system (via campus telephones), hand-held “bull horns” or any other media chosen by the ERT.

In the event that ERT decides a building or campus lock down is necessary, you will be instructed to;

  • Either remain inside of the building you are currently in or;
  • Move quickly to the nearest classroom or office


Some processes (such as notification methods) are discussed at a high-level only in an effort to maintain the security and integrity of KVCC’s response plan(s) in the event of a planned threat against the College.

Campus Community Roles & Responsibilities

Everyone has a role to play if an emergency/incident occurs on campus, especially in the event of an evacuation.


Each student should make sure that they are familiar with the emergency procedures and evacuation routes for buildings and rooms they are in on campus.  Students should evacuate buildings in an orderly manner when either;

An alarm sounds

  • They are directed to do so via instructions from the mass notification system(s)
  • They are directed to do so via emergency personnel

Faculty & Staff

All faculty & staff should make sure that they are familiar with the emergency procedures and evacuation routes for buildings and rooms they are in on campus.  Faculty & Staff should evacuate buildings in an orderly manner when either;

An alarm sounds

  • They are directed to do so via instructions from the mass notification system(s)
  • They are directed to do so via emergency personnel

… unless they have been given an additional role in assisting with the emergency/incident. In that case, those instructions take precedence.

Faculty members teaching at the time are asked to make sure that all students have left the classroom before leaving the classroom themselves.  When leaving a classroom, the faculty member is asked to shut off the lights and close the door to signify that classroom has been “cleared”.


Visitors to the campus should familiarize themselves with the evacuation routes for buildings and rooms they are in on campus and should evacuate buildings in an orderly manner when either;

An alarm sounds

  • They are directed to do so via instructions from the mass notification system(s)
  • They are directed to do so via emergency personnel

Everyone should:

  • Not panic and listen carefully to instructions given
  • Not go to your car or attempt to leave campus in their vehicle (this is strictly prohibited during an emergency as it impedes emergency responders and any type of campus evacuation)
  • Evacuate, when told, to pre-designated “Areas of Refuge” based on the plan posted in each room
  • Take only immediate belongings (those belongings directly next to you) with you – do not go to lockers, etc…
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